Eating City Hall

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Eating City Hall was a sold-out, playful poetry and food experience developed by Harry and Sonia using archives and stories as a starting point for a creative cuisine. 

80 people enjoyed this luncheon of edible art and poetry. Part feast, part installation; this multisensory experience of City Hall and its heritage.

Inspired by the city’s silverware, belonging to the people of Bradford but kept behind glass, each audience member was gifted a piece of silverware engraved with a line of poetry.

Eating City Hall explored the heritage of Bradford CityHall as a site of celebration and banqueting through an experiment in food and poetry. From pancake people doused in pear-syrup rain at the opening of City Hall to poetry inserted into jellies representing the other possible architectural plans of the building.

Lead Artists - Sonia Sandhu and Harry Jelley


Eating Kirkgate Market


Drinking Sowerby Bridge